Becoming certified can open up opportunities with companies that embrace supplier diversity and are committed to working with businesses like yours. Staffed by professionals, HC Strategic Advisors believes in diversity distinction and knows how to use it to strategic advantage.


If you are from a diverse or minority population, understanding the unique issues that these business leaders face can help you with your business.

Is diversity certification right for you? Many consultancies help companies pursue Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) or Women Business Enterprise (WBE) certification but most of them are not certified in their own right. HC Strategic Advisors has experience with the process and how to maximize your certification. Under the leadership of HC Strategic Advisors founder Lori Hilson Cioromski, both TH Hilson Company (prior to the sale to Ravago) and Essential Water Technologies, went through the certification process.


  • Have at least 51% established ownership by a diverse individual or group with evidence from governing documents, signatures on debt or financial instruments, and legally binding contracts and responsibility for decision-making roles.
  • Have a percentage of ownership equity and capitalization commensurate with ownership percentage
  • Are led by a U.S. citizen or legal resident
  • Have been in business for at least two years (in most cases)

Contact us to find out more.

Lori empowers and inspires everyone around her, but women especially, as she is so smart and engaging, yet approachable. She is extremely knowledgeable with a good head for business as well as a generous and giving person. I did not feel confident when I was staring my business and creating an image and I really needed her expertise. She made all the difference!
Cynthia Leparski, MA LCPC

Founder & President, Positive Care Counseling, LLC

6625 N Avondale

Chicago, IL 60631


(630) 917.2887